तोपों का बोलना - topon ka bolana meaning in hindi

Suggested :
बाधक | impeding |
She is impeding the progress of our project | |
दिन आ गये है | days are numbered |
Months and days are numbered according to the Gregorian calendar. | |
क्षमादाना | amnesty |
John Adams was granted amnesty for his mutiny. | |
बेला की तरह का एक बाजा | banjo |
The African elements included the use of the banjo | |
एक प्रकार का पक्षी | turkey |
Her mother kooked roasted turkey without cranberry jelly. |
topon ka bolana
अक्षरों की संख्या: 14 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
topo.n kaa bolanaa
Related spellings : topon ka bolana
Related spellings : topon ka bolana
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